Palermo meeting on work injuries and legal compliance in honor of Father Puglisi

“Promoting legality is the only way to stop deaths in the workplace and address the emergency of repeated accidents on construction sites because, only by adopting adequate safety measures, it is possible to protect workers and not risk the lives of many fathers. This was stated by the secretary of Filca Cisl Sicilia, Paolo D’Anca during a meeting on legality in the construction world, held in the multimedia room of the center “Padre Nostro Pino Puglisi” attended by, among others, the national secretary of Filca Cisl Claudio Sottile, Father Cosimo Scordato and the president of the center, Maurizio Artale.

“We strongly wanted to promote this meeting in a place symbol of legality like the center Padre Pino Puglisi because we believe that legality is central in the fight against accidents at work and for the defense and protection of the safety of workers. Faced with repeated news events that show us a reality of corruption, rigged contracts, and bribes that grip the construction world, we believe it is essential to implement every initiative and useful tool to address this emergency and send messages to sensitize companies to respect the rules because the price of illegality and the lack of investment in safety is paid with the sight and with humiliations even of professional dignity as often gray paychecks also certify the exploitation of workers.”

“We are pleased to welcome the representatives of Filca Cisl – explains Artale – for this discussion on the theme of legality in the construction world. A theme that is very important to us because Father Puglisi was very close and sensitive to issues related to the world of work, and this is demonstrated by the fact that among the 3600 books found in his house, two talk about issues related to female employment in Italy, as a testimony to Father Puglisi’s closeness to the themes of work and employment.”

Palermo, infortuni sul lavoro e rispetto della legalità: un incontro nel nome di Padre Puglisi

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