Palermo meeting at the ARS to combat gender violence: “Just the tip of the iceberg of all types of discrimination”

Many associations and institutions, first and foremost schools, deal with the issue of gender-based violence on a daily basis. However, the number of femicides shows no signs of decreasing. At the Regional Assembly, in the Mattarella Hall, this afternoon (April 15th), the Emily Palermo association met with students and politicians: the focus was on the willingness and necessity to implement a concrete strategy.

“In the news, we see data that politics and institutions seem to struggle with – highlighted Antonello Cracolici, president of the Anti-Mafia Commission of the Sicilian Region – effective contrast methods are not found unless there is a harshening of penalties or some propose chemical castration. Solutions that are somewhat demagogic. Instead, we need to implement a systemic strategy”.

In front of the attentive eyes of the many spectators who crowded the Yellow Room, an attempt is made to connect the many existing realities that address the phenomenon. Among these, the emergency room of the Policlinico hospital dedicated to women victims of violence, “which has a multidisciplinary team available for the necessary care – explains Maria Grazia Furnari, general director of the Policlinico of Palermo – both from a psychological and obstetric and medical point of view. Within the structure, we have legal medicine available every day and throughout the night”. For Milena Gentile, president of the Emily Association, “gender-based violence is just the tip of an iceberg constituted by discriminations in every area. In Sicily, only one in three women works and it is a precarious job”.

In the video, Antonello Cracolici, president of the Anti-Mafia Commission at the Regional Assembly; Maria Grazia Furnari, general director of the Policlinico of Palermo; Milena Gentile, president of the Emily Association.

Palermo, incontro all’Ars per la lotta alla violenza di genere: «Punta dell’iceberg formato da discriminazioni di ogni tipo»

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