Palermo juvenile detention center inmates fight: officer tries to intervene, ends up in hospital

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Two inmates at the Malaspina juvenile prison in Palermo are fighting. The prison guard who intervened to separate them ends up in the hospital. Paolo La Corte, deputy provincial secretary of the Autonomous Penitentiary Police Union, reports that “when the two inmates started fighting, one of the on-duty officers immediately intervened to separate them but ended up injured and is currently in the hospital.”

He then adds, “These are situations that destabilize the order, security, and tranquility of the operating staff. Therefore, considering what is provided for in the current protocol, it is essential to transfer the attackers to another penitentiary institution.”

Palermo, detenuti del carcere minorile litigano: un agente prova a dividerli e finisce in ospedale

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