Palermo judges name Resuttana clan’s “cashier”: Corona sentenced to 15 years on appeal.

The judges of the Court of Appeal chaired by Antonio Napoli sentenced mafia boss Giuseppe Corona to 15 years and two months, Roberto Bonaccorso to 3 years for fictitious allocation, and for usury Loredana Ruffino to 3 years and Stefano Madonia to 4 years. The defendants were involved in a 2018 Finance investigation on the mafia districts of Resuttana and Porta Nuova. Corona, affiliated with the Resuttana family but closely tied to the Porta Nuova mafiosi, is considered the king of illegal horse betting and the treasurer of the “family”. He has always professed his innocence. Those who have been acquitted due to the statute of limitations include Giuseppe Abbagnato, Salvatore and Calogero Sanfratello, Francesco De Lisi, Maurizio Tafuri, Giampiero Giannotta, Maria Laura Bonaccorso, Roberto Bonaccorso, defended by lawyers Giovanni Castronovo, Valentina Castellucci, Silvana Tortorici, Davide Martorana, Pierfrancesco Campo, Rocco Gullo, Giuseppe Brischetto, Antonio Sottosanti, Giuseppe Pipitone. In the vast majority of cases, the statute of limitations was due to the aggravating factor of mafia being dropped. A provisional payment was awarded to the civil parties: Solidarity, Sos Impresa, Confcommercio, Centro Pio La Torre, Anti-Racket Federation, National Association Against Illegality, represented by lawyers Fausto Amato, Fabio Lanfranca, Ettore Barcellona, Valerio D’Antoni, and Alfredo Galasso.

Palermo, per i giudici è il “cassiere” del clan di Resuttana: in appello Corona condannato a 15 anni

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