Palermo: Inspections on nightlife in city’s historic center; 266 bottles seized at Vucciria venue.

Over the weekend, inspections were carried out in Palermo’s historic center to monitor the nightlife scene. This operation, known as “Alto Impatto” (High Impact), involved multiple law enforcement agencies, including the police, Carabinieri, Guardia di Finanza, municipal police, and personnel from the local health authority. They patrolled popular gathering spots for young people, such as Via Candelai, Via Chiavettieri, Via Cassari, Discesa Caracciolo, Via Napoli, Via Maqueda, Piazza Cassa di Risparmio, and Piazza Villena. Twelve businesses were inspected, resulting in administrative sanctions for occupying public spaces without permission. Another violation of the municipal regulatory for public spaces, specifically related to music, led to the seizure of musical equipment. One person was also reported for occupying public space. In addition, the municipal police inspected a commercial establishment in Vucciria, Piazza Garraffello, which served alcoholic beverages and had a kitchen/laboratory. Administrative irregularities were found, such as a lack of authorization for the sale and service of alcohol beverages and a lack of proper sanitary authorization for the kitchen/laboratory. The establishment also had significant hygiene and health deficiencies. The owner, who was the only person serving alcoholic beverages, did not have the required professional qualifications for food service. 266 bottles of alcoholic beverages were confiscated and sealed, and administrative fines totaling 5,500 euros were imposed. Three other establishments were fined for failing to issue fiscal documents, and the amount of these fines will be determined by the Tax Agency. In total, 291 individuals were identified, with 21 having prior police records, and one traffic violation was reported.

Palermo, controlli sulla movida nel centro storico: a un locale della Vucciria sequestrate 266 bottiglie

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