Palermo heading towards Dionisi for the bench: former Sassuolo has surpassed Zanetti
The current week is crucial for the choice of sports director and coach. For the bench, Palermo now seems to be leaning towards Alessio Dionisi. The former Sassuolo coach has surpassed Paolo Zanetti on the list of favorites. The Emilian club chose Fabio Grosso yesterday and today Palermo has turned its choices towards the Tuscan coach.
As for the sports director, the situation also revolves around Rinaudo, who has held the role of sports director for the last two years. The Palermo executive, in fact, has a contract expiring on June 30th and will meet with the club today and tomorrow to define his situation. There are several hypotheses under consideration, with none ruled out. The club has been exploring options for replacing Rinaudo in recent weeks, but no decision has been made. The various profiles under watch do not seem to have fully convinced the Rosanero executives, so it will be necessary to understand what will come out of the casting process, similar to what happened a couple of months ago with the choice of the coach, which then fell on Mignani.
Il Palermo si dirige su Dionisi per la panchina: l’ex Sassuolo ha superato Zanetti
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