Palermo Half Marathon kicks off with Irabaruta too

Tomorrow the tenth edition of the Palermo International half marathon trophy Nissan Comer sud will take place, starting and finishing at the ancient Mondello establishment. The race will begin at 9:30 am, with approximately 1,400 athletes participating in the half marathon and two non-competitive races of 9.5 kilometers. The route will take the runners through Favorita, then to Vittorio Veneto square, and all along via Libertà until the Politeama theater, where they will turn around and head back towards Mondello. In the men’s race, Burundian athlete Olivier Irabaruta, who has three Olympic participations under his belt, confirmed his participation. He will be joined by favorites Leonce Bukuru from Cosenza K42 and Hosea Kimeli from Libertas Orvieto Kisorio. The target for all of them is to beat the event’s record, set in 2019 by Kenyan athlete Joel Maina Mwangi with a time of 1h02’29”. In the women’s race, the battle for victory is expected to be between Kenyans Emily Chepkemoi Cheroben from Atletica Castello and Nancy Kerage Kerubo from Acsi Campidoglio Palatino. Along the route, three musical groups will perform at Valdesi, the Liberty statue at Vittorio Veneto square, and in Favorita Park. At the finish line, the folk group Auser di Polizzi Generosa will perform. The event also features the participation of the pink ambassadors from the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, aiming to promote prevention and raise funds for scientific research on female cancers.

Mezza maratona di Palermo, al via c’è anche Irabaruta

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