Palermo fines and closures of venues for noise pollution are illegitimate

The fines and closures of pubs and venues in Palermo for excessive noise pollution are deemed illegitimate. This is what the ruling issued by Judge Emanuela Piazza of the fifth civil section of the Palermo court states, to which the owner of a business fined in the Sicilian capital had turned to, assisted by lawyers Massimo Sidoti and Giuliana Vicari.

In September of last year, the municipality issued a coercive closure order for a commercial establishment in via Maqueda, accused of playing amplified music outside in a public area. The Palermo court accepted the appeal, noting that article 11 of municipal resolution 435 of 2015 stated that the resolution would lose effect if, six months after its issuance, the municipal council, with its own resolution, had not approved and formally transmitted to the city council the proposed division into areas outlined in the regulations.

Palermo, le multe e le chiusure dei locali per inquinamento acustico sono illegittime

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