Palermo fan missing since October 3 found safe in Padua

The family of Francesco Nabla, also known as “Mezzokilo”, can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The 40-year-old Palermo fan went missing on October 3rd, when he was supposed to take a train from Venice back to Palermo. However, he never boarded the train. Yesterday, the Carabinieri found him in Padua, but the reasons for his disappearance remain unknown. Thankfully, Nabla is in good health. He is a member of the fan group “Emigrati Rosanero”, and many friends, football enthusiasts, and relatives had launched social media appeals for any information on his whereabouts. Yesterday brought the good news that Nabla has been found and is doing well.

Ritrovato a Padova il tifoso del Palermo scomparso il 3 ottobre: sta bene

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