Palermo enforces heavy fines for littering on the streets

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The municipal administration of Palermo is cracking down on illegal waste disposal starting from today (May 13, 2024) with the implementation of a new national law that increases penalties. The ordinance was signed by Mayor Roberto Lagalla and proposed by the Environment Councillor Pietro Alongi. The administration recognizes the critical waste management situation in the city and aims to maximize recycling and minimize landfill disposal. All law enforcement forces, not just municipal police, are asked to strengthen controls. The ordinance specifies fines ranging from 25 to 500 euros for improper waste disposal in bins outside of designated hours or on holidays, while fines of 1,000 to 10,000 euros are imposed for dumping waste in the streets (doubled for hazardous waste). The new regulations also allow for the arrest of business owners who dump waste. The Rap, the waste collection agency, recovered around 130 thousand bulky items from the streets last year despite the existence of seven communal collection centers. According to Councillor Alongi, everyone must play their part in waste management, with the new ordinance enforcing stricter penalties and targeting waste from outside the city.

Palermo, scattano maxi multe per chi abbandona i rifiuti in strada

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