Palermo: Crackdown on Nightlife in Sferracavallo, Vucciria, and Historic Center with Fines totaling €53k, Two Venues Closed

In recent weeks, there have been incidents of aggression and brawls in the nightlife areas of Palermo, including the historic center and coastal boroughs. To address this, various law enforcement agencies such as the State Police, Carabinieri, Finance Police, Municipal Police, and Firefighters have conducted operations in areas such as Sferracavallo and several streets in the historic center. Additionally, there have been security checks in the city center at locations like Via Roma, Piazza Caracciolo (Vucciria), and Piazza Cassa di Risparmio. A total of 165 individuals were identified, 10 vehicles were checked, and 3 penalties were issued for traffic violations. Three individuals were reported for driving under the influence, occupying public space without permission, and damaging historical and artistic property. Administrative fines totaling €53,500 were imposed for various infractions related to public space occupation, playing music in public areas, serving food and drinks without a license, lack of sanitation, and violations of employment regulations. Two business owners were also reported for safety violations, resulting in the temporary closure of their establishments. Lastly, precautionary administrative seizures were carried out, resulting in the sealing of musical equipment and counters used for the unauthorized sale of alcoholic beverages.

Palermo, controlli sulla movida a Sferracavallo, alla Vucciria e in altre vie del centro storico: multe per 53 mila euro, due locali chiusi

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