Palermo crackdown on counterfeiting: over 4,000 counterfeit clothing and accessories seized

The finance police of the provincial command of Palermo seized, in two separate operations, 4,077 pieces of clothing allegedly counterfeit and bearing fake signs. The two seizures were carried out against a Palermo citizen and a Chinese individual. In the first operation, the finance police identified a vehicle containing bulky packages of clothing. The driver of the vehicle was unable to provide any transportation documents or documentation proving the legitimate origin of the merchandise. Subsequent checks revealed that the 701 pieces of clothing found bore the brands of well-known high fashion houses and were seized as counterfeit goods. In the second operation, the police checked a commercial activity run by a Chinese citizen, finding a large quantity of items with fake signs and other clothing and accessories likely counterfeit, totaling 3,376 items, all seized. The finance police have reported the two individuals to the prosecutor’s office, accusing them of introducing products with fake signs for sale in the national territory and the crime of receiving stolen goods. The operation carried out is part of the institutional tasks of the finance police as an economic and financial police force constantly engaged in the repression of economic crimes.

Palermo, lotta alla contraffazione: sequestrati oltre 4.000 capi d’abbigliamento e accessori falsificati

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