Palermo: Continued nightlife area checks, man arrested for drug dealing

The Municipal Police of Palermo have arrested a foreign citizen, without a fixed address, for drug possession and trafficking. In addition, during checks, they intervened in the nightlife areas, where they seized an illegal disco on Chiavettieri Street and investigated the owner of a venue on Sammartino-Costantino Nigra Street following a request for intervention from the residents who were unable to rest due to the disturbance caused by the unlicensed and unauthorized venue. The venue manager has been reported. In addition, the venue lacked a fire prevention certificate and a license from the police chief. Fines of 2,000 euros have been imposed.

The man was stopped in Julius Caesar Square while handing a foil-wrapped package to the driver of a vehicle parked in the middle of the road. He was found in possession of 3.384 grams of hashish. The drug dealer, born in Tunisia, already had a deportation order from the national territory, issued by the prefect of Syracuse in 2019, after which he had been repatriated by charter flight from Palermo. He was later arrested in 2023 in Ventimiglia for unauthorized re-entry into Italian territory and escorted to the French border for expulsion. Now, an immediate expulsion order has been issued for him from the national territory, with escorting by the State Police to the detention center in Caltanissetta.

Palermo, continuano i controlli nei luoghi della movida: arrestato un uomo per spaccio di droga

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