Palermo closes venue on via Emerico Amari for five days: illegal concert uncovered

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The article reports on the work of the municipal police in Palermo in areas popular for nightlife. The police intervened in various locations, including via Emerico Amari, via delle Vetriera, Magione, corso Vittorio Emanuele, and the Chiavettieri area. The article details a case of illegal live music in a venue on via Emerico Amari, where the police intervened following complaints from residents about excessive noise. The venue did not have the necessary permits for outdoor music, leading to fines, equipment seizure, and a temporary closure. The article also mentions the closure of another establishment on corso Vittorio Emanuele for operating without the required licenses and for occupying public space without authorization. Additionally, the police conducted checks at other venues, detecting violations related to sound levels and environmental pollution, resulting in fines and equipment seizures.

Palermo, chiuso per cinque giorni un locale di via Emerico Amari: scoperto un concerto abusivo

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