Palermo: citizen calls police to arrest two thieves during robbery at glasses store.

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Maxi robbery with break-in in the area of via Ernesto Basile, in Palermo: the State police recovered the substantial loot and arrested two people. The police officers relied on the collaboration of a citizen who, in the middle of the night, noticed two people at work on the showcase of an optical shop and reported to the operational room what was happening. The citizen saw the thieves break the showcase, enter the premises and come out with bulky bags. Based on the report, the patrols in the area searched concentrically the possible escape routes from the reported shop, until a patrol car from the Porta Nuova police station, at the intersection between corso Tukory and corso Re Ruggero, caught the two with bags containing 40 pairs of designer glasses, worth 10 thousand euros. Other patrols confirmed that, shortly before, they had broken the shop’s showcase, disabled the external cameras of the shop and cleaned out the display cases, stealing numerous pairs of valuable glasses. The two were arrested and will have to answer for the crime of aggravated theft in concert.

Photo of the point where the arrest took place.

Palermo, furto con spaccata in un negozio di occhiali: un cittadino vede tutto, chiama la polizia e fa arrestare i due ladri

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