Carmen Diodato, a dancer with profound bilateral deafness, met with students from the Danilo Dolci high school in Palermo. The artist has managed to defy prejudices and enter two of the four remaining lyric symphonic foundations in Italy: the Arena di Verona and the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. Carmen Diodato explained to the students that limits are in our minds and with strength and determination, all barriers can be overcome. She shared her life story, the difficulties she faced in realizing her dream of dancing in Italy’s most important theaters.
She had to face many challenges with determination, making the students at the Danilo Dolci high school understand that achievements are the result of commitment and will. The dancer told the students, “the harm done to us could be considered almost as a kind of gift, something from which to draw strength and courage to continue dreaming, persevering in our life goals, despite everything.” Carmen’s secret, thanks to which she is able to dance despite her total deafness, is the use of vibrations and the flow of sensations, which sparked wonder and curiosity among the students who bombarded her with questions. Through dance, in those vibrations that allow her to perceive the rhythm and keep time, through her curious and attentive gaze with which she has learned to “feel”, Carmen has found a way to redemption and emancipation, a personal way to break free from isolation. The meeting was organized by the Danilo Dolci high school, “always attentive to inclusivity and disability, and which for years has been promoting an experiential educational approach, based on the comparison with different realities and aimed at the formation of the human individual.”
Palermo, Carmen Diodato ai liceali del Dolci: «Sento la musica nell’anima»
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