Palermo: Burglary at More Institute thwarted, man arrested with stolen construction items

In Palermo, police patrols, engaged in the territory control operation, thwarted a robbery at a private school and also arrested the perpetrator of the attempted break-in. This information comes from a statement issued by the police headquarters regarding the outcome of security activities carried out as part of the “High Impact” protocol, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, particularly the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, and the municipal police.

“The constant patrolling of the territory by the State police patrols – reads the statement – allowed to thwart an aggravated theft inside a school.” This concerns the bilingual Thomas More institute in via Pacinotti, in the Malaspina-Palagonia district of Palermo. “During the intervention – the police statement continues – the officers of the general prevention and public assistance office, who immediately responded to the reported location, entered the institute’s premises, where near the entrance of the structure they spotted a man trying to flee. Promptly blocked and subjected to a check, he was found in possession of several construction objects hidden in a bag and previously removed from the institute’s basement. In light of the facts emerged, the man was arrested for aggravated theft.” The More institute on via Pacinotti has been targeted by thieves in the past.

Palermo, sventato un furto all’istituto More: arrestato un uomo trovato in possesso di oggetti edili

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