Palermo: Break-in at store near Cathedral, window smashed.

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Another break-in in the historic center of Palermo. This time the target of the thieves was the Palermo store on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, just a few steps from the Cathedral. During the night, probably with the help of a hammer or a stone, the criminals smashed the lower part of the window.

The owners are now taking inventory to determine which items are missing. The damage to repair the entrance window is estimated to be in the hundreds of euros. The business is known for selling T-shirts and clothing inspired by Palermo and Sicily. Now, it is all in the hands of the authorities, who are trying to identify the culprits.

Lately, the shop owners in the area had felt safer due to the presence of police officers patrolling the streets near the Cathedral on foot. “For some time, we hadn’t seen actions like this on Corso Vittorio Emanuele, the presence of law enforcement is helping us a lot,” explained Giovanna Analdi, president of the Cassaro Alto association. Shop owners and entrepreneurs in the area had created their own intelligence group to address common challenges against the continuous thefts from passing thieves and to stay constantly updated on break-ins and other possible dangers. “Lately, we are more at ease and we thank the police for giving us a big hand – continues Analdi – unfortunately, there are those who do not give up and persist. We continue to fight for greater security.”

Palermo, assalto con spaccata in un negozio a pochi passi dalla Cattedrale: distrutta una vetrina

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