Palermo at risk of losing 6.7 million for communal collection centers.

The article discusses how the Municipality of Palermo risks losing 6 million and 747 thousand euros earmarked for new communal waste collection centers. These areas allow for the separate collection of urban waste, with seven already in operation in the city. The funding comes from a convention with the State and must be managed in the same way as the Pnrr. The project must be completed and tested by the first quarter of 2026. The Council must approve the locations and proposed changes, with construction works needing to be put out to tender by September of this year. The Region has three months to give its preliminary opinion. The article also mentions the delays in the project, with criticism from various council members about the handling of the funding and the need to address issues in existing waste collection centers.

Palermo, a rischio 6,7 milioni per i Centri comunali di raccolta

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