Palermo: 200 Sintesi consortium workers hired by Windtre.

After a meeting at the Department of Family, Work, and Social Policies between a delegation of workers from the Sintesi consortium and the regional assessor Nuccia Albano, the workers express great satisfaction for the closing of the process regarding the possibility of signing a new agreement between the Sicilian Region, Windtre, and a new cooperative. The Sintesi consortium, composed of 85% disabled workers, has been working for Windtre through an agreement since 2006; the current agreement expires on December 31, 2023, and it is expected that at the end of the agreement, the workers should be hired by Windtre as required by law 68/99. In March 2023, the multinational requested to sign a new agreement with a new entity, in this case the cooperative raggio di luce. Over 200 workers, mostly disabled, have strongly opposed the transition, deeming it illegitimate. In June 2023, the Palermo Cpi expressed refusal to Windtre’s request. Despite technical discussions and meetings between the unions and the Region at Windtre’s request, no solution was found. Therefore, the regional department, after all evaluations, confirmed to Windtre the impossibility of signing a new agreement between the workers of the Sintesi consortium and a cooperative. The Region confirmed “the decision to not accept the proposal of a new agreement and to request the application of the contractual clause which obligates the company to proceed with the hiring of personnel at the expiration of December 31st”.

Palermo, 200 lavoratori del consorzio Sintesi saranno assunti e lavoreranno per Windtre

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