Padre Puglisi becomes a priest 63 years ago: Palermo remembers him as the one who changed people’s mentality.

A memorial mass was held in the church of Madonna dei Rimedi in Palermo to remember Father Pino Puglisi, who was ordained as a priest exactly 63 years ago. Puglisi was known for his fight against the Mafia. Salvatore Di Cristina, Puglisi’s former seminary classmate and Archbishop Emeritus of Monreale, spoke at the mass and shared memories of their friendship. Di Cristina described Puglisi as a humble and kind-hearted man who had the ability to make others feel important. The church was filled with people paying their respects to Puglisi, who was remembered for his dedication to helping the poor.

Padre Puglisi 63 anni fa diventò prete, Palermo lo ricorda: «Ha cambiato la mentalità della gente»

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