Over a thousand kilograms of fish seized at the fish market in Palermo, traders on the run to escape checks.


Over a thousand kilograms of fish were seized at the Palermo fish market by the coast guard. During an inspection to protect consumers, the military discovered about ten traders who, upon seeing the inspectors arrive, fled, abandoning the fish ready to be sold.

1,025 kilograms of fish were seized because they lacked the documentation proving traceability and other information useful to consumers. The violators could not be fined due to administrative violations, totaling around 15,000 euros. After analysis by the Asp veterinarian, the fish was found to be fresh and suitable for consumption, and was donated to the Western Sicily Food Bank.

The activity continued by inspecting another one and a half tons of fish offered for sale by other traders, which was found to be compliant with regulations.

Oltre mille chili di pesce sequestrati al mercato ittico di Palermo, commercianti in fuga per sfuggire ai controlli

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