Over 310 pounds of fish seized in Porto Empedocle: sanctions increased

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The article discusses recent fish seizures in the province of Agrigento. A total of 310 kilograms of fish products were confiscated by the Empedocle harbor master’s office and the maritime district office of Licata in the last two days, with fines totaling 5,000 euros.

The first operation, carried out by the personnel of the Licata maritime district office, resulted in the seizure of 250 kilograms of fish products lacking any useful information for traceability. The authorities in Licata also imposed an administrative fine of 1,500 euros in this case.

The second operation was conducted by the Empedocle harbor master’s office and the Licata maritime district office in a restaurant in Agrigento. After inspections, 60 kilograms of fish products were seized, and an administrative fine of 1,500 euros was imposed for lack of traceability. Additionally, a further fine of 2,000 euros was imposed for the “incorrect procedure for parasite decontamination by the destruction of fresh fish products.”

The Commander of the Empedocle harbor master’s office, Captain Antonio Ventriglia, stated that inspections of the fishing supply chain will continue relentlessly in the coming days and will cover the entire jurisdictional territory of the Port of Empedocle maritime compartment.

Porto Empedocle, 310 chili di pesce sequestrato: elevate sanzioni

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