Over 100 cars found tampering with odometers in Caltanissetta

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A car scam on four wheels. It is that of the odometer, manipulated by the dealer to sell a used car at a much higher price. A real scourge for the used car market, first of all because the value of used cars is falsified, secondly because cars with reduced mileage can potentially become dangerous, as maintenance is not aligned with the actual mileage.

The new scam was discovered by the finance police of the provincial command of Caltanissetta, who carried out a vast operation related to fraud in the trade of car sales, specifically focusing on cases of selling “rejuvenated” cars at competitive prices.

The activity was based on investigations initiated by the finance police of Caltanissetta, later coordinated by the Public Prosecutors of Caltanissetta and Gela, through a periodic analysis of sales made by numerous dealerships, whose data was cross-referenced with databases from the Civil Motorization, parent companies, and the specific service provided by the Motorist portal – periodic revisions.

At the end of the investigations, indicative elements emerged that some dealers, in various ways, would have tampered with the mileage of the vehicles for sale to the detriment of unsuspecting customers, reaping significant advantages on resale amounts. This resulted in the seizure of numerous cars.

In particular, the cars involved in the fraud were about 110, with a total of miles rolled back equal to about 10 million. The fraud amount would total approximately €400,000, the result of selling prices significantly higher than the actual market value of the cars.

Further checks, carried out systematically in the province, have also shown the presence of numerous fully compliant operators in the sector, a testament to the reliability of the significant majority of those inspected, who have shown virtuous results and comply with the transparency rules of the reference market.

The service highlights the constant preventive and anti-fraud actions carried out by the finance police in Nissene, to protect consumers and businesses operating within the perimeter of legality.

Truffe del contachilometri a Caltanissetta, scoperte oltre 100 auto «ringiovanite»

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