Orfeo and Euridice at Teatro Massimo di Palermo: a timeless love opera.

The article discusses the upcoming performance of Orfeo ed Euridice at the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. The director and choreographer, Danilo Rubeca, explains that the story represents a human being who has lost his beloved and cannot bring her back except through memory. He emphasizes the role of love in coping with loss and the importance of evoking emotions through music and dance. Vocalist Filippo Mineccia, who plays Orfeo, discusses the essential nature of Gluck’s composition and the rigorous direction of Gabriele Ferro. The article also mentions the involvement of other artists, including soprano Federica Guida and soprano Nofar Yacobj. The performance will be streamed live on the Teatro Massimo’s webTV.

Orfeo ed Euridice, al Teatro Massimo di Palermo un’opera d’amore di straordinaria attualità

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