Official: Palermo and Corini part ways, Brescia coach sacked. Mignani arrives.

Eugenio Corini is no longer the coach of Palermo football team. The coach has just received the news of his dismissal from the ownership of the Rosanero club. Corini has gathered players and staff at the Torretta sports center to bid farewell to his team. The dismissal will be officially communicated by the Rosanero club to the press and fans in the coming hours.

After the contacts made during the night, we are heading towards the replacement of Corini with former Bari coach Michele Mignani, who was dismissed earlier this season in early October by the Pugliese club.

Il Palermo e Corini si separano, ufficiale l’esonero del tecnico bresciano. Arriva Mignani

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