Official formations for Palermo-Spezia: Corini confirms Lund and Gomes

This content provides the official lineups for the Palermo and Spezia match in Serie B. Palermo’s coach, Corini, has shown confidence in Gomes and chosen Lund as the left-back. Stulac is left on the bench, while Lund will have a chance to play in the second half. Palermo’s lineup features one forced change with Segre replacing the injured Coulibaly. Spezia’s lineup includes Moro as a starter and Francesco Pio Esposito on the bench. Salvatore Elia also starts on the right flank. The match will be refereed by Fourneau from Rome 1, with VAR Miele and Avar Di Martino assisting.

Palermo-Spezia, le formazioni ufficiali: Corini conferma Lund e Gomes

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