No trains from Palermo to Trapani for 4 months due to €140 million line works starting in April.

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No trains between Palermo and Trapani for more than four months. This was announced by Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, which will carry out important technological upgrades and infrastructure enhancements on the line. To allow the operation of the construction sites, it will be necessary to suspend train circulation from April 2 to September 15, 2024.

The construction sites are an integral part of a comprehensive plan to enhance the railway network in the Trapani area, which includes the restoration and electrification of the Palermo-Trapani line via Milo, the installation of Ertms (European Rail Transport Management System) technology along the 116 km Alcamo-Castelvetrano-Trapani route, important extraordinary maintenance works, the construction of the Marsala underpass, the General Regulatory Plan of the Trapani station and the elimination of three level crossings between Trapani and Paceco.

In particular, preparatory tunnel upgrading works for the electrification of the line between Cinisi and Alcamo Diramazione will be carried out, as well as activities for the installation of Ertms, the same system adopted on high-speed lines. Thanks to this technology, greater infrastructure reliability will be guaranteed, in terms of better circulation regularity and service quality; Ertms will also have potential benefits on the management of level crossings along the line. Important extraordinary maintenance works, track renewal and ballast restoration will also be carried out between Cinisi and Partinico to bring the infrastructure up to the latest safety standards. In the Trapani station, work will be carried out for the realization of the General Regulatory Plan, while in Marsala, accessibility to the station will be improved thanks to the raising of the first platform, the construction of the pedestrian underpass, and the new second platform. Finally, the elimination of three level crossings between Trapani and Paceco and the construction of an underpass near the Trapani station are planned. The total investment value amounts to approximately 140 million euros, financed also with Pnrr funds.

Trenitalia connections are however guaranteed with bus services between Trapani and Piraineto. Changes in schedules are expected, with possible increase in travel times, also depending on road traffic. Buses will make intermediate stops at all scheduled stations.

Da aprile niente treni da Palermo e Trapani per 4 mesi, lavori sulla linea da 140 milioni

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