Nisseno entrepreneur declares non-existent lands as his own: assets seized worth 161 thousand euros

The Carabinieri Protection of Food unit in Messina executed a decree issued by the investigating judge of Caltanissetta at the request of the European Prosecutor’s Office – Delegated European Prosecutors Office for Sicily and Calabria based in Palermo. The measure ordered the preventive seizure of money and financial assets amounting to 161,000 euros, proceeds of a crime committed by an agricultural entrepreneur in the province of Caltanissetta, as well as 79 payment rights (aid rights) worth a total of 9,359 euros.

The investigations carried out by the specialized unit of the Carabinieri revealed an aggravated fraud aimed at unlawfully obtaining significant public subsidies destined for the agricultural sector and disbursed by the Agea. The fraudulent conduct involved the submission of applications to obtain EU contributions (Feaga and Fears), in which the agricultural entrepreneur falsely claimed to manage about 64 hectares of land for which he had no legitimate ownership, as they stemmed from a fake lease contract involving relatives, some of whom were unaware of the existence of the document.

Imprenditore nisseno dichiarava come suoi terreni che non lo erano: sequestrati beni per 161 mila euro

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