New raid at Palermo’s Mother Teresa of Calcutta school, principal: “They entered through the insecure door”

Nine months later, they entered the branch of Mother Teresa School in Palermo again and damaged the building, stealing copper wiring and ransacking entire classrooms, opening lockers and taking whatever was inside. A scene that had already happened in October at the school on Via Fiume, in an area where residents have been requesting constant security checks.

“They entered again through the same door that was not secure last October and has not been secured after that raid. I had requested an intervention but it never arrived. Even the soccer field, inaugurated with a ribbon cutting, is now in a state of neglect – says the school principal, Rosaria Inguanta -. Truly a disheartening situation, especially because what they couldn’t take, they damaged. So many sacrifices to make the school comfortable and equipped with educational tools, and in one night everything was destroyed.”

A new setback for the principal of Perez Mother Teresa School, who has always tried to promote integration projects in the comprehensive institute with the highest concentration of immigrant students. The theft is being investigated by the carabinieri as they try to identify the perpetrators.

Nuovo raid a Palermo alla scuola Madre Teresa di Calcutta, la preside: «Sono entrati dalla porta mai messa in sicurezza»

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