New Port of Palermo: Shops, Restaurants, and a Lake Transform the Area

Palermo is opening up a new neighborhood near the marina, called the Marina Yachting. With an investment of 30 million euros, the area has been transformed into a space for various activities and amenities, including a 7,000-square-meter lake that represents the sea as it was in the 1500s. The new neighborhood will welcome cruise ship passengers, islandgoers, and yacht enthusiasts, with a commercial area that is expected to accommodate around 2.5 million users per year. There will be three restaurants, including a luxury restaurant led by Chef Natale Giunta. Other attractions within the area include the Gambero Rosso academy, showcasing Sicilian excellence, and various shops and food outlets. The new Marina Yachting will be inaugurated by President Sergio Mattarella, who will also attend a conference titled “Justice in the Service of the Country” at Palazzo Sclafani.

Negozi, ristoranti e un lago: ecco il nuovo volto del porto di Palermo

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