New migrant landings in Lampedusa, 3 groups stranded on Lampione.

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107 migrants have landed in Lampedusa between last night (March 13) and dawn. Two boats, with 8 and 54 people on board, were rescued by the coast guard boats.

Three groups of migrants, consisting of 7, 17, and 21 Tunisians, including seven minors and a woman, were found on the islet of Lampione. The 7 reported that they had left, with a rubber boat, from Mahdia, while the other two groups from El Shaba, paying from one thousand to 2,500 Tunisian dinars. The latest arrivals are 54 Bangladeshis and Egyptians who used an 8-meter wooden boat for the crossing and reported that they sailed from Zuwara in Libya. They have all been taken to the Imbriacola hotspot which was completely emptied last night. At the moment there are 107 guests present.

Nuovi sbarchi di migranti a Lampedusa, 3 gruppi bloccati a Lampione

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