New dock for hydrofoils arrives in Stromboli: Ready in seven days after construction.

Works are proceeding rapidly on the extraordinary maintenance of the mooring pier on the south side of the Scari pier in Stromboli. The pier, entirely constructed in the shipyard by the company Special Tubi Uno from Giammoro, arrived in Stromboli with a large pontoon and is now being assembled, entrusted to the company Opere Marittime Generali.

Despite the unfavorable weather conditions, the workers are working to complete the assembly in the shortest possible time, in order to minimize inconveniences for the ferry services, as the tourist season is already underway.

The works, funded with the emergency funds following the 2022 flood, were ordered by Mayor Riccardo Gullo, as the extraordinary commissioner for the emergency, and will be completed within this week.

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Stromboli, è arrivato il nuovo pontile per gli aliscafi: sette giorni di lavori e sarà pronto

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