New centenarian in Gangi, the fifth in the Madonie village: celebration for Grandma Maria

New centenarian in Gangi, the fifth in the Madonite village: it is grandmother Maria Mocciaro who was celebrated by relatives and friends. Also present were the mayor of Gangi Giuseppe Ferrarello and the president of the municipal council Concetta Quattrocchi who, on behalf of the community, wanted to donate a plaque and flowers to her.

Grandma Maria has seven sisters and five brothers and enjoys excellent health. She continues to work on crochet and when she was young she also worked in the family butcher shop. She loves to eat breaded lamb chops and potato croquettes, and drinks half a glass of wine with every meal. She watches TV and her favorite programs are “Un Posto al Sole” and “Affari tuoi.”

She is very Catholic and has also received greetings from the Pope. The woman first attended the mass celebrated in the parish of Santa Maria and then celebrated at home blowing out the candles. Present were her two daughters Carmela and Sarina, sons-in-law Pino and Cristofaro, and grandchildren Roberto, Antonella, Aldo Maria, Antonio, and Luisa.

“Grandma Maria is our fifth living centenarian – said Mayor Ferrarello – a curious circumstance is that three centenarians live in the same neighborhood: that of Santa Maria”.

Nuova centenaria a Gangi, è la quinta del borgo madonita: grande festa per Nonna Maria

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