New assault in Marsala: kicks and punches exchanged between two boys, one hits the other with a car.

Another aggression took place in Marsala: a few days after the beating in the Strasatti district, in the late afternoon of yesterday, two young people allegedly fought and one of them later hit the other. According to some witnesses, yesterday afternoon two boys fought in via Dante Alighieri, for unknown reasons. After a series of kicks and punches, one of them got into a car, which had other people inside, and hit the other young man. Passersby alerted the emergency services. An ambulance arrived at the scene and assisted the injured young man, who refused medical treatment. This aggression comes just a few days after the one that occurred in Strasatti against a man who was attacked by two young men while buying cigarettes. The Carabinieri conducted investigations and were able to identify the perpetrators and arrest a boy from Petrosino.

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