Nautica: Seacily 2023 opens in Capo d’Orlando

The Seacily2023, showcasing excellence in Sicilian boating, opened today in Capo d’Orlando. Until next Sunday, visitors can enjoy debates, exhibitions, tourism activities, and visits to naval units. The event, in its sixth edition, features hundreds of brands, over 30 exhibitors, and more than 50 boats on display. This year, the event relocated from Palermo to Capo d’Orlando, a strategic choice due to its status as an important boating center. The Seacily aims to promote the boating industry and facilitate collaboration between businesses and institutions. The event is supported by Assonautica Palermo and the Mediterranean Nautical Network, in partnership with other organizations. The event highlights the growth and economic impact of the boating industry in Sicily, which generates significant employment and revenue. Tomorrow, a conference on nautical tourism and port facilities will take place with the participation of regional government officials, industry representatives, and experts. The event aims to discuss the potential and challenges of nautical tourism in Sicily.

Nautica, il Seacily 2023 apre i battenti a Capo d’Orlando

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