Musumeci in Montante trial: “Antoci was also involved, I removed him from Nebrodi Park”

The article discusses the testimony of Nello Musumeci, a former president of the Sicilian Region and current minister, during a trial regarding the Montante System. Musumeci talks about a “magic circle” of power involving figures like Montante and Antoci, and how he intervened to remove Antoci from his position at the Nebrodi Park Authority. He also mentions the influence of Montante on the regional Waste Department and his support for Crocetta’s candidacy in the 2012 regional elections. Musumeci recalls meetings with Montante where they discussed various topics, including possible interventions in the media. The article sheds light on the intricate dynamics of power and influence in Sicilian politics and business.

Musumeci al processo Montante: «Nel “cerchio magico” c’era anche Antoci, io l’ho rimosso dal Parco dei Nebrodi»

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