Murder-suicide in via Notarbartolo, Palermo: united in death, divided in farewell

United in death, divided on the day of farewell. The funerals of Laura Lupo and her husband, Pietro Delia, may be celebrated separately, although the date will be set only after the results of the autopsies are known, which will be carried out this week at the Institute of Legal Medicine of the Policlinico. The tragedy was too strong not to cause upheaval within the two families, who seem inclined to have separate religious functions for the municipal police inspector and the accountant: the decision will probably be made in the coming hours because the children of the victims and relatives are understandably shocked by what happened.

The murder-suicide theory is now the most credible: the dynamics would now have numerous confirmations, as investigators are receiving further confirmations for the motive of jealousy. Some friends and colleagues, albeit anonymously, have spoken to reporters about marital crisis and tensions in the couple, who had been back together for a year and a half after over three years of separation. Those who knew them have said that she, in recent times, seemed disturbed and with a delicate psychological situation, because she feared other infidelities of her husband: concerns that may have triggered the desire for clarification that then turned into a drama with irreparable consequences.

L’omicidio-suicidio di via Notarbartolo a Palermo: uniti nella morte, divisi nell’ora dell’addio

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