Monreale, a study of wildfires in Sicily: operators and scholars compare

Organized by BCsicilia in collaboration with the Municipality of Monreale, a conference on the subject of forest heritage between environmental disasters and lack of protection is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Friday, October 27th, at 5:30 pm, at the Circolo Italia in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Monreale. The event will begin with institutional greetings from the local administration and an introduction by Romina Lo Piccolo, the president of BCsicilia in Monreale. The conference will feature presentations by agronomist and forestry expert Piero Cangemi on a certain topic, followed by ethnologist Maria Carcasio reporting on another topic. Forest operator Salvino Carramusa will talk about a specific aspect, while Gioacchino Genchi, former chemical manager of regional departments in Environment and Health, will provide information on another subject. Lastly, Tonino Russo, regional secretary of Flai-Cgil, will give his perspective. The event will conclude with remarks from Alfonso Lo Cascio, the regional president of BCsicilia. Additionally, a photographic exhibition curated by Andrea Arcangelo and Basilia Marotta will be set up as part of the initiative.

Monreale, radiografia degli incendi in Sicilia: a confronto operatori e studiosi

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