Modica hillside ablaze after fireworks: “off schedule” at San Giorgio festival

Fear during the celebrations for Saint George in Modica. Several fires broke out on the Idria hill after the fireworks exploded at the end of the event. An “off-schedule” event that required the intervention of various fire brigade teams. Also in action were the volunteers of the civil protection of the municipalities of Modica and Ragusa, who prevented the worst: the strong wind in the last hours would have spread the flames more quickly, but the fires were extinguished in time and no injuries were reported.

Many reports were made to the emergency number 112. Thousands of people participated in the event, and many, upon seeing the flames, called for help. Already in the hours before, another episode had caused moments of fear during the celebrations of the patron saint. Also due to the strong wind, a piece of cornice from a building in Piazza Santa Teresa, in Modica Alta, collapsed.

It happened outside a bakery on the ground floor: the slab hit a husband and wife who were attending the event and both were slightly injured. When the alarm was raised, the 118 health workers arrived on the scene. The woman was taken by ambulance to the emergency room of the Maggiore hospital, while the husband only suffered some bruises. The area was cordoned off to allow rescuers to intervene and prevent further risks to those in the area for the celebration.

Modica, collina in fiamme dopo i fuochi d’artificio: «fuori programma» alla festa di San Giorgio

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