Minors under guardianship in Palermo awarded three scholarships for judo course

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Three scholarships for a judo course aimed specifically at minors under judicial protection. The initiative is from the Christian Workers Movement of Palermo in collaboration with the association Doniamo un sorriso smile live.

The course takes place at the Nova Nippon Club sports center in Palermo. “The intention to donate these scholarships – explains Graziella Graci, founding member of the association Doniamo un sorriso smile Live – comes from wanting to guarantee the possibility of a better future for these children who live in difficult situations. This partnership with the Christian Workers Movement represents a further step towards achieving this goal.”

“Sport, and specifically judo – says Chiara Gennuso, regional youth coordinator Mcl – is a powerful tool for promoting resilience and self-esteem. We hope that these scholarships can be the first step towards a bright future for these kids.”

Judo is a sport that goes far beyond physical practice. “It is a martial art that teaches discipline, respect for others and oneself, as well as strategy and self-control,” emphasizes Marco Coppola, judo master. “For children, learning these skills is particularly significant. Judo offers them a way to express themselves, build confidence, and overcome the challenges they encounter along the way.”

Translated into English.

Minori sotto tutela giudiziaria, a Palermo tre borse di studio per un corso di judo

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