Minister Urso visits Arena Group logistics hub in Catania: “A development model for Sicily”

The article talks about the visit of Minister Adolfo Urso, accompanied by the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, to the headquarters of the Arena group, Decò brand. They were shown around the company by CEO Giovanni Arena, along with other political figures. Urso praised the company as a productive and leading commercial reality in Sicily, highlighting its generational continuity as a family business and its important production hub. Schifani also praised the company as an example of economic development and consumption in Italy. The regional assessor Edy Tamajo emphasized the growth of the Sicilian logistics hub represented by the Arena group and the government’s support for businesses in the region.

Catania, il ministro Urso in visita al polo logistico del Gruppo Arena: «Un modello di sviluppo per la Sicilia»

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