Migrant travel blitz: €90,000 paid by Tunisian association promoter in Marsala

The article explains that an investigation into the trafficking of migrants on luxury rubber boats between Tunisia and the coast of Marsala revealed the transfer of a sum of approximately 90 thousand euros to an Italian suspect by one of the promoters of the Association of Tunisian origin based in Marsala. The operation by the State police is part of a larger investigation coordinated by the central operational service, including internationally, with the launch of an operational task force named “Mediterranean” on the criminal phenomenon of aiding illegal immigration in maritime routes. This operation involved collaboration with Europol, various European countries, and investigative offices. Twelve individuals, six Italians and six Tunisians, have been arrested for their involvement in the organized crime of aiding illegal immigration. Two of them are currently fugitives.

Il blitz sui viaggi dei migranti: 90 mila euro versati dal promotore di un’associazione tunisina operativa nel Marsalese

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