Miccichè banned from residing, says Judge: Region’s checks non-existent

The article describes the investigation involving the former president of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Gianfranco Miccichè, who is being investigated for misuse of a government vehicle. The judge in charge of the case noted the lack of disciplinary and administrative controls that allowed Miccichè and others to abuse their privileges with the government-issued vehicle. The investigation also uncovered illegal activities by Miccichè’s associates who benefitted from his actions. The probe focused on the misuse of the government vehicle allocated to Miccichè, highlighting the lax regulations surrounding the allocation of official vehicles to politicians. The investigation included interceptions of communications and analysis of GPS data from the vehicle assigned to Miccichè.

Divieto di dimora per Miccichè, il Gip: i controlli della Regione inesistenti

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