Messina rebalancing plan, the opposition asks for an urgent convocation of the Council

#Messina #rebalancing #plan #opposition #asks #urgent #convocation #Council

After the hearing of mayor of Messina Federico Basile with the Court of Auditors to discuss the Rebalancing plansome components of the Town Council, who recently took office, have requested an urgent convocation.
To sign the note: Antonella Russo, Felice Calabrò, Giovanni Russoof the center left, Giandomenico La Fauci, Maurizio Croce, Free Gioveni, Pasquale Currò, Dario Carbone And Federica Vaccarino of the center-right.

“Request for a hearing by the mayor, also as councilor for Relations with the Government and regional and national institutions, Finance, Participants and Economic Planning – the councilors write – so that he illustrates the Chamber the content and results of the meeting at the Court of Auditors“.

Messina rebalancing plan

As we told you yesterday, in fact, the mayor Federico Basile at the conclusion of the meeting with the Court of Auditors he said that “the rebalancing plan will not be reformulated”.
He then turned to the City Council: «we don’t want to – said Basile – and we can’t waste any more time.
And if this happens it will not depend on us, but on the assessments on the process that the plan will have to follow after the approval of the new City Council called to pronounce.
by next 29 July“.

Hence, therefore, the urgent request by the opposition Councilors to convene the Chamber, together with the results of the meeting, the Directors also want to know whether Basile “has filed a defense brief or an inherent deed the current economic-financial rebalancing procedure“And” whether or not it confirms the will of not to remodel the re-balancing plan of the Municipality of Messina“.
Together with the mayor Basile, the Councilors also ask for the presence in the Chamber of the general accountant of the Municipality and of the Board of Auditors of the Entity.

Here the document.


News from Sicily 2022-07-15 07:53:00

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