Messina: Minor sentenced to 5 years and 5 months for firearm injury.

The Juvenile Court of Messina has issued a provision against a minor for the execution of a sentence of 5 years and 5 months of imprisonment, resulting from the accumulation of two separate sentences issued by the juvenile court judge. The boy was found guilty of various offenses related to the possession and trafficking of drugs – cocaine, marijuana, and hashish – totaling over 16 kilograms, illegal possession of a rifle, a revolver, and over 100 cartridges, and the purchase or possession of a stolen Honda motorcycle. The minor was also found responsible for planning, organizing, and carrying out, in collusion with adults, the ambush and injury, on July 22, 2023, of the thirty-five-year-old Marcello Nunnari using a firearm.

The conviction is the result of a complex investigative activity carried out by the Messina mobile squad. The minor at the time of the execution was already in juvenile detention after being arrested in flagrante delicto for the possession of drugs and illegal possession of weapons and ammunition.

Messina, definitiva la condanna a 5 anni e 5 mesi per un minorenne accusato anche di un ferimento a colpi d’arma da fuoco

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