Messina Heritage: Municipal-Owned Company Hiring: Desired Profiles and Application Instructions

La Patrimonio Messina S.p.a., a company owned by the Municipality, has announced a public selection notice for the indefinite hiring of 6 professional figures. The profiles sought are: 1 official for the General Affairs department; 1 administrative instructor; 2 graduate technicians for the technical heritage sectors for inventory management, enhancement, and design of the municipal real estate in Messina; 2 technicians with the qualification of employees to support the heritage sector for inventory management and valorization of the municipal real estate in Messina. The requirements include Italian citizenship or citizenship of a European Union member state, age between 18 and the maximum retirement age, civil and political rights, adequate knowledge of the Italian language for candidates who are citizens of EU member states, physical suitability for the job, not being disqualified from public office, not having been dismissed or removed from employment at a public company, not having been disqualified from public office based on a final judgment, and not being in a state of retirement from public or private employment. Candidates must also have a perfect knowledge of the Italian language and declare any potential family or affinity ties with administrators or managers of the company. The selection process requires a payment of a 10 euro fee. The specific requirements for each profile include possessing a bachelor’s degree for profiles A and B, a degree in civil engineering or architecture for profile C, and a diploma in construction or a technical institute for profile D. Applications must be submitted online through the provided digital platform.

Patrimonio Messina, la partecipata del Comune assume: i profili cercati e come presentare la domanda

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