Messina, Caronte announces appeal against seizure: “Extraordinary trips to minimize inconvenience”

Caronte & Tourist Isole Minori apologized to their customers for the inconvenience caused unintentionally. The company is working to alleviate the situation through extra trips and replacing the ships that have been seized by judicial authorities. They plan to appeal the recent measure executed by the Guardia di Finanza. The company clarifies that the seizure of some units, including those undergoing scheduled maintenance, is solely related to their value and aims to reach the amount specified in the judicial decree. It has nothing to do with alleged violations of regulations regarding transportation for passengers with reduced mobility. The company assures that their ships are fully equipped to meet all necessary standards. They express confidence that the seized ships will be back in service soon for the benefit of the island communities.

Messina, la Caronte annuncia ricorso contro il sequestro: «Corse straordinarie per limitare i disagi»

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