Merchants call for help after shooting on La Lumia Street: “No one is safe here”

Residents and shopkeepers on Isidoro La Lumia street in Palermo are at their wits’ end and the cry to politicians and institutions is unanimous: “Do something.” This plea comes after gunshots were fired on Saturday night. The neighborhood seems to be in the hands of gangs of young people who can act freely and without fear. Entrepreneurs and residents are seeking support from politics and institutional figures, but they feel increasingly abandoned. Business owners are tired and resigned to the situation, with some even closing down. The shooting on Saturday night has sparked attention on what happens in the area after 6pm, and many business owners had requested a meeting with the local police chief to address the issue of disorderly behavior, but their requests have gone unanswered. Local councilor Antonio Rini also acknowledges the desperation of the exhausted and discouraged residents, calling for concrete actions to change the situation.

Sparatoria in via La Lumia, sos dei commercianti: «Nessuno qui è al sicuro»

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