Meloni’s government gives green light to hiring 100 urban police officers in Catania

The Meloni government has authorized the Municipality of Catania to hire 100 permanent municipal police officers to deal with urban security emergencies and territorial control. This decision, contained in decree law 39 of March 29, 2024, allows for simplified competition procedures, in derogation from the constraints on hires for municipalities in financial distress. The mayor, Enrico Trantino, and the entire municipal administration have long awaited this measure, which will allow for the hiring of one hundred new officers in 4-5 months, with the financial burden being covered by the State for the first two years. The recruitment competitions will be managed by the Department of Public Function of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers through the Ripam Commission, a national organization aimed at strengthening public administration by acquiring new resources based on specific needs.

“This is another concrete act of attention from the national government towards Catania,” commented Trantino. “One hundred municipal police officers are a significant number that will help restore functionality to the local police force, which has significant staff shortages and upcoming retirements. We thank President Giorgia Meloni, Undersecretary of the Presidency Alfredo Mantovano, Interior Undersecretary Vanda Ferro, and all the ministers of the government who have shown sensitivity to our urgent appeal for personnel to address the growing needs for territorial control and increased security in the urban area.”

Catania, via libera dal governo Meloni all’assunzione di 100 vigili urbani

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